Using the penis enlargement gel is simple: simply apply it to the penis 1-2 times a day. You can use AlfaGen before sex to prolong it.
The Maxi Size instructions indicate how to use the product:
Apply the gel with gentle but confident movements, performing a light massage of the penis. The application period is one month, it can be extended if you wish. We have the best prices in Hungary.
The composition is natural, there are no hormones, chemicals or other harmful substances. Using the gel is simple and safe; it does not cause allergies or adverse effects. Restrictions (contraindications) concern minors, periods of convalescence after heart attacks, strokes, sexually transmitted diseases, local lesions of the epidermis.
The product is effective in cases of poor erection, premature ejaculation and insufficient penis size. It is advisable to carry out an individual intolerance test beforehand.